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MASU C-Executables
¡ Exact Algorithms for Haplotype Assembly from Whole-Genome Sequence Data
The program beats the previous best for the important Haplotype Assembly Problem. It takes short time even on a single PC. In contrast, the previous best takes long time on a PC cluster. The paper will appear in Bioinformatics. (Joint work with Lusheng Wang of City University of Hong Kong.)
¡ An Ultrafast Tool for Minimum Reticulate Networks.
The program beats the previous bests for several fundamental problems related to the construction of minimum reticulate networks from two or more phylogenetic trees. The paper appeared in Journal of Computational Biology. (Joint work with Lusheng Wang of City University of Hong Kong.)
¡ Mutation Region Detection for Closely Related Individuals without a Known Pedigree Using High-Density Genotype Data.
The program can help find locations of genes that cause genetic diseases. The paper appeared in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. (Joint work with Lusheng Wang of City University of Hong Kong.)
¡ A program for the closest substring problem and the planted (L,d)-motif problem.
The program beats the previous bests. The paper appeared in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. (Joint work with Lusheng Wang of City University of Hong Kong.)
¡ Programs for rSPR distances, hybrid numbers, and hybridization networks.
The programs beat the previous bests. The paper appeared in Bioinformatics. (Joint work with Lusheng Wang of City University of Hong Kong.)
¡ Software for Reticulate Networks of Multiple Phylogenetic Trees.
The program beats the previous bests. The paper appeared in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. (Joint work with Lusheng Wang of City University of Hong Kong.)
¡ A Fast Tool for Minimum Hybridization Networks.
The program beats the previous bests. The paper will appear in BMC Bioinformatics. (Joint work with Lusheng Wang of City University of Hong Kong.)