After downloading a program, you can run it as follows:
program_name treeFile_1 treeFile_2 OPTION
where OPTION is a string in the set
{HN, MAAF, MAAFs} such that
HN: for computing the hybridization number;
MAAF: for computing one MAAF and one optimal network;
MAAFs: for computing all MAAFs and one optimal network for each MAAF;
while each of treeFile_1 and treeFile_2
contains a phylogenetic tree in
Newick format such as (((1,4),3),2) and
(((species1, species_3), cat),dog)
ended with a semicolon (see below for two example trees).
The name of each species must consist of letters in
{a, ..., z, A, ..., Z, 0, ..., 9, _, .}.
There is no limit on the length of the name of each species.
Here are an example input tree and
another one .
You can view the trees using a simple
JAVA application by
my student Yohei Terazaki or
by Daniel H. Huson.
If you like, you can also run the program as follows:
program_name treeFile_1 treeFile_2
where HEURISTIC is a 3-bit binary string
specifying the version of the program as follows.